Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vaginitis is very common disease that affects ...

Vaginitis Vaginitis

described health as anger and / or inflammation of the vagina. Vaginitis is very common disorder affects millions of women every year. The three most common vaginal infections are bacterial vaginosis (BV), candidiasis vaginitis (thrush) and vaginitis Trichomonas (trichomoniasis). What are the signs and symptoms of vaginitis? Vaginal infections can cause various symptoms such as abnormal or increasing discharge, itching, fishy odor, irritation, painful urination or vaginal bleeding. If you have vaginitis, you may have some or all of these symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms, discuss them with your doctor or nurse to be checked. What causes vaginitis, and how often it occurs? Vaginitis has various causes. This can lead to bacterial infection, fungal infection, protozoan infection, contact dermatitis or allergic reactions. Vaginitis affects millions of women and is one of the main reasons cheap strattera women visit a doctor. Trichomonas is transmitted sexually, but other vaginitis infections are not usually sexually transmitted. What is the difference between these three types of vaginitis? Bacterial - this type of infection occurs when bacteria from the vagina of healthy bacteria replaced. This is called bacterial vaginosis is the most common type of vaginitis. Yeast - a type of infection called candidiasis. It is caused by fungus and is the second most common type of vaginitis. The easiest - this type of infection called trichomoniasis and it is believed that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This is the most common and includes a 3% to 5% of all vaginitis infections. What is bacterial vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis, when the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina changes. A healthy vagina normally contains many bacteria. One of the types of beneficial bacteria, Lactobacillus, is particularly important. Lactobacillus keeps the vagina slightly acidic to reduce the growth of potentially harmful organisms. When lactobacilli are replaced by a variety of harmful bacteria called anaerobic bacteria, unpleasant vaginal odor develops and infection (vaginitis) occurs. Are there any complications associated with vaginitis? Yes, perhaps especially from bacterial vaginosis. If left untreated, BV can lead to increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, early labor, premature rupture of membranes, low birth weight, within the amniotic infection, endometritis, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (PRICE) after gynecological operations infections and increased risk of diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Will a pap smear diagnosis of vaginal infections? While your annual pap smear is a very important test, it is usually not used as a test for vaginitis. As my doctor tell if I have an infection? Tests for vaginitis are simple and can be done right in the doctor's office. Your doctor will examine your vagina and use the swab to sample the discharge. Vaginitis is determined by checking vaginal fluid appearance, vaginal pH, the presence of volatile amines (odor causing gas) and microscopic identification of key cells. New tests are now available to help doctors in their diagnosis. How to touch the subject with your doctor? First, do not be surprised. Vaginal infections occur in millions of women of all ages and professions. Regular reviews and open discussion of your symptoms will go a long way to maintain good vaginal health. Your doctor can perform a simple test to determine the type of vaginal infection and provide you with the best treatment. How vaginitis treatment? There are several ways to treat vaginitis, depending on the cause of infections: bacterial vaginosis can be treated orally or intravaginally prescription for treatment, thrush can be administered orally or intravaginally or ordinance or by-the-counter antifungal medications, and Trichomonas infections are usually be treated with prescribed oral antibiotics. What can I do to prevent initial infection or relapse? To minimize the risk of vaginitis, here are some general guidelines for good vaginal health:

practice of hygiene, keeping the vaginal area clean with mild soap and dry place well. Avoid douching and irritating substances such as soap and harsh female hygiene sprays. Douches can disrupt the normal balance of vaginal organisms and should be avoided. Avoid spreading bacteria from the rectum into the vagina, wiping front to back after using the toilet. Avoid tight jeans, pantyhose without a cotton crotch and other clothing that can retain moisture. Practice abstinence or safe sex and avoid multiple partners. Latex condoms, when used properly, permanent and may reduce the risk of transmission of STDs. Studies have shown that stress can also be a factor. Vaginitis may affect the baby? Yes you can. Premature birth and low birth weight children are more common in women with bacterial vaginosis. Early diagnosis and treatment is important. Does my partner need to be updated? Ask your doctor. Some types of vaginitis can be transmitted from one person to another during sexual intercourse. It depends on what type of vaginitis you have. Can I be infected with something else? Yes. You can be infected with sexually transmitted diseases and vaginitis. Any infection should be treated with different drugs, so it's important to visit a doctor to determine if you have more than one type of infection. For answers to other questions, please talk with your doctor or nurse. Where can I get more information? CDC-INFO Hotline (24 hours, 7 days a week)

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