Wednesday, February 22, 2012

However, pneumonia is really hard to catch.

There will be a condition characterized by infection and. It is usually treatable, but potentially dangerous. In fact, it >> << can be fatal. It is diagnosed in people of all ages, although it may be more common in those who you are very young or very old. Definition of Pneumonia can be contagious. This may be common coughs and sneezes, which will send infection of microorganisms in the air, where they will breathe a man. It kills more than 60,000 people in the U.S. every year and this will be a major cause of death in young people worldwide, according to the Mayo Clinic. In youth, it is additionally a serious issue strattera price for the elderly and those with weak immune systems. Effects This may be caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses. may be caused by various bacteria and is marked by rapid onset, chills, trembling, shortness of breath, sweating, cough with phlegm, which produces mucusand fever. be caused by a virus and is marked by cough unproductive that, fever, muscle aches and headaches. Later in the disease, a person may develop a cough, accompanied by a small amount of white or transparent mucus. Fungi is a pneumonia caused by the fungus and will be less conventional than other types. Many people have some symptoms of this kind, but they often, as in viral or bacterial pneumonia. Pnevmotsistnoy be some kind of fungal pneumonia, which affects people with weakened immune systems, as well as those who had AIDS. Such causes of cough that will not fade with time, temperature and shortness of breath. Considerations you could develop pneumonia and not have any knowledge about it. Pneumonia mycoplasm bacteria cause symptoms that are similar to more types of conditions, but they can be a little softer and started to slow. Some people do not get sick so that they recognize pneumonia, so it's nickname walking pneumonia. It is contagious and often will be distributed where people have daily close contact, as in schools. Misconceptions With most types of pneumonia to be contagious, most people find it easy to catch from other people. However, pneumonia is really hard to catch. But the organisms that cause will often be highly contagious, as viral diseases such as influenza and colds. .

klebsiella pneumoniae colony morphology

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